Fish in a Tree Reflection

In the book Fish in a Tree I think that Ally is misunderstood. I say this because she is not telling the teacher that she can’t read! The teacher could help Ally read, it’s better than keeping a useless secret. I find Keisha to be a good friend. Because she is always trying to help Ally with her problems. I think Shay and Jessica are stupid. They always bully her. But Mr. Daniels is awesome because he is being really nice to Ally. I don’t really find the story authentic. Because in the book, Ally has never got caught not knowing how to read for years. I mean the teacher will call on you to read randomly. What do you do? Try to read. But what does Ally do in order to not get caught?

An Open Letter to Cumberland

Hamid Cheema

O’Brien Block 2/6

December 9, 2015

Dear Cumberland,                                                                                                     


You’re pretty cool. Because you hold all my old friends.


Having Sleepovers, Playing video games, Playing outside, Eating the Bar-B-Que chicken 3 times a year, Playing at the rocky gap (A fun place you can enter in for free) ETC. THe Bar-B-Que chicken smelled so good, and the taste was amazing.


My awesome 3rd grade and 5th grade teacher. A very small town with really big joy.

I also remember we had a pet bird. He was blue and little, He was fun to let out and let him fly all over the place. His fur felt very soft.


My old house was so close to the library, And my friends houses. I remember riding our scooters down the huge hill.


Also in my old house I had a HUGE backyard. When me and my brother were like, six years old we used to play baseball, Then switched to basketball. It was fun to play in the gym near my house. They even had a pool inside the gym, That was cool to. The pool was so blue and cold.


I remember a long time ago we went to a japanese restaurant and they cooked in front of you and they had so much cool tricks just throwing and catching stuff all over the place, I didn’t even eat, that’s how good their tricks were.


The snow was fun to play in, The smell of the apples on our trees in spring. The view from our window was good. Hearing people setting off fireworks on july 4th, the bright red colors!


